Home famous converts to islam peace message website : Convert to Islam Story | Rafael Narbaez #convert #islam

peace message website : Convert to Islam Story | Rafael Narbaez #convert #islam

by shanty

Rafael Narbaez shares his experiences of becoming a Muslim after reading the Quran and learning from the Bible. He found it difficult to understand the religion, but with the help of the Quran, he was able to understand his Bible better.

When he visited a mosque in Southern California, he was intimidated by the Muslim community, but a brother took him under his wing and showed him around. This encounter convinced Rafael to become a Muslim and to pray like his new friends. He encourages viewers to celebrate when they see many people converting to Islam, seeing it as a sign of God’s blessings, and encourages others to embrace Islam and its teachings.

00:00:00 In this section, Rafael Narbaez talks about how he started to read the Quran and found it to be unbelievable until he understood how it fell in place. He also discusses how he learned to understand his Bible better with help from the Quran. However, when he went to a mosque in Southern California, he found it daunting to be around the Muslims since he knew nothing about the religion. Despite his nervousness, a brother took him under his wing and showed him around, explaining various aspects of Islam, such as praying and ablution. This experience convinced Rafael to pursue becoming a Muslim and to pray like his newfound friends.

00:05:00 He encourages listeners to celebrate when they see large numbers of people converting to Islam. He suggests that this is a sign of God’s blessings and that it is important to give praise to God in response. The speaker emphasizes the importance of embracing Islam and the beauty of its teachings, and encourages others to follow in the footsteps of those who have converted.

#convertingtoislam #islam #muslim #bible #comparativereligion
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