Home famous converts to islam peace message website : Must Watch! What do Muslims Believe? #islam

peace message website : Must Watch! What do Muslims Believe? #islam

by shanty

A former Christian convert to Islam shares insights into the Muslim faith. The speaker highlights that around 70,000 Christians convert to Islam annually. Central tenets of the Muslim belief include the Monotheism of Allah, the belief in the oneness of the Creator God with no partners or equals, which is considered an unforgivable sin. Muslims respect prophets like Adam, Jesus, and Muhammad as messengers from Allah, acknowledging Muhammad as the last and final messenger.

The faith encompasses belief in angels and the Day of Judgment, which signifies the resurrection of all humans for judgment. Emphasizing the importance of preparing for death, the speaker notes that Muslims believe Jesus Christ, the son of Mary, will return but not as a deity or the son of Allah. Overall, the purpose of life for Muslims is to believe in the Oneness of Allah and Muhammad, promote peace, and seek truth.

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